J. Lo, One Date?
J. Lo, One Date?
Lan thought he had a chance (even if slight) at a date with J. Lo, so he went after it. We filmed it. This was fun.Share and tag Jennifer Lopez (@JLo on Twitter and Instagram) to help him out. #DateWithLanCheck out the back story: http://nrmbr.co/a/pruZptb3
Posted by The Normal Brand on Thursday, April 7, 2016
Back Story:
My name is Lan Sansone. I'm 23 years old and the Director of Sales for The Normal Brand. This is me asking Jennifer Lopez out on a date.
Monday, I was sitting at my desk like it was any other day. Up until 3 pm it was any other day. I was working with my brother, Jimmy, on some sales materials. We were talking about Spring ‘16 and how we were pumped about the new t-shirts coming in next week.
They always say lightning strikes when you least expect it. I think they say that. It’s true regardless.
That’s when I got the notification – Jennifer Lopez - Jennifer Lynn Lopez – Jenny from the Block – J. Lo – shared an article about us on her Facebook page and wrote two life changing words:
Love this
Posted by Jennifer Lopez on Sunday, April 3, 2016
(That's me on the far left)
“Love this”
I would have much rather her said “Love him” or more specifically “Love Lan,” but “love this” is good. She is clearly talking about one of us (three of my brothers and me), and since I am the only one who has the guts to go after it, I like my chances.
As the 4th son in a family of 10, and with 3 older brothers, I was brought up to be competitive. Set high goals and go after them was always the motto. At work I try to utilize the same philosophy.
This is different though. This isn’t trying to get the best grades, or competing in a football game, or even a professional goal. This is my life.
I need to take J. Lo out on a date.
Ambitious? Yes.
Difficult? Definitely.
Impossible? Nah.
and that’s just what Im going to do...

I’ve loved J. Lo since 2001’s I’m Real:
I was 10. That same year she was in the Wedding Planner and stole the show from this legend:
I don’t have to go through her bio to convince you she is an absolute rain maker. She’s literally on two different major cable networks right now.
Oh. And she does NOT age. Here is a picture of her in 2001:
And here she is 15 year later in 2016:
To give you some perspective, here’s me in 2001:
A quick Google search:
showed some interesting results.
There were some articles that came up about some dude, but you can’t believe everything you read. From the little bit I did read, I learned she is not against dating a younger guy. I also noticed some things she looks for in a man.
I’m not above changing for the right reasons.
So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to give it a shot and try to go out on a date with J. Lo. I may have to change myself along the way, but I’m open to it.
Follow along on snapchat (TheNormalBrand) and spread the word.
If you know Ms. Lopez, please tell her I just need one date.
-Lan Sansone
Sure, it would be an extreme compliment to have J. Lo agree to a first date and now that Lan has returned to “Normal” his chances are improving. To my vision, especially after viewing the dance lesion video, life in the middle, while not always the most imitated, has all the glam and excitement that anyone should seek to attain.